This year Bosnia and Herzegovina Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy marks its 10th years of its existence and work in promoting CBT in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. We see this conference as an opportunity to mark our work in the field.
One of The European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) Approved Project Applications for 2012 is our International Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Socio-economic situation in Western Balkan is difficult and it is not surprising that many psychotherapists can not afford to go abroad to conferences and trainings. Travel and accommodation costs required to attend international congresses are very high for our standard. For example, monthly salary of University Professors is 750 euros, psychotherapists is around 500 euros and so on… Many psychotherapists from Western Balkan countries, no matter how motivated, are deprived of meeting with colleagues, exchange of experience and expertise.
The majority of professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina has been trained (or are currently in training) in the theoretical knowledge and therapeutic skills of Beck's and/or Ellis' approach, as well as in specific treatment strategies for anxiety and depressive disorders. However, many psychotherapists from Western Balkan countries feel that we would benefit from workshops on other effective psychological approaches based on scientific principles and research. Examples include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Metacognitive Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Behavioral Activation, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy... We also feel that we would benefit from workshops on treatment strategies for specific clinical problems (e.g. Psychosis, Addiction Problems, Eating Disorders, Obesity, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Trauma, Bipolar Disorders, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Identity Problems, etc).
We see this conference as an opportunity for all psychotherapists from the Western Balkans to gain knowledge and skills from renowned trainers at very low-cost registration fee.